THE festive period is all about indulgence, particularly when it comes to food.
But a health warning has been issued for those looking to enjoy one particular Christmas food favourite.

The Foods Standards Agency (FSA) has raised an alarm over a health risk that could be hiding in cold-smoked and cured fish.
The food safety watchdog has issued an urgent reminder that foods like smoked salmon – a popular breakfast choice on Christmas Day – could contain listeria.
Listeria infection, or listeriosis, is a rare but potentially severe food borne illness that can have serious health consequences for certain people.
Other examples of cold-smoked and cured fish include smoked trout and gravlax.
Read more on food poisoning
Linden Jack, Head of Food, Feed and Incidents Policy Unit at the FSA, said: “We understand that smoked fish is a popular choice during the festive season, and for many, with the proper precautions, it can be enjoyed safely.
“However, we strongly encourage those at higher risk to either avoid cold-smoked fish or first cook it until steaming hot all the way through. This will ensure that any listeria present in the product is killed before it is eaten.
“While the risk of listeria is generally low for most people, caregivers should avoid serving cold-smoked fish to family and friends who may be more vulnerable to infection if it hasn’t been cooked first.”
Who is most at risk?
Pregnant women and those with weakened immune systems, such as people with certain underlying conditions like cancer, diabetes, liver and kidney disease, or anyone taking medications which can weaken the immune system, are advised to avoid eating ready-to-eat cold-smoked or cured fish.
A listeria infection in pregnant women can lead to miscarriage or stillbirth.
People with weakened immune systems who get listeria almost always need to be hospitalised.
The risk of serious illness from listeriosis also increases with age, so the FSA is advising older people should be aware of the risks associated with eating these products and take steps to reduce their risk of infection.
And anyone preparing or buying food for people who are vulnerable should follow the advice.
Dr Gauri Godbole, Deputy Director Gastrointestinal Infections Food Safety and One Health at the UK Health Security Agency, assured: “While smoked fish has a higher risk of carrying listeria, the overall risk to the population is low.”
Why does cold-smoked fish present a risk?
Cold-smoked fish such as smoked salmon or trout, and cured fish such as gravlax, have not been fully cooked during the production process to kill any listeria that may be present, and therefore present a higher risk of infection
‘Cold-smoked’ fish will usually be labelled as ‘smoked’ on the packaging.
Ready-to-eat cold-smoked fish also tends to come in thin slices, or may also be found in sushi.
The FSA advises: “Once thoroughly cooked, the smoked fish will be safe to eat, and can be served immediately, or served cold after being chilled in the fridge.
“If consumers would like to add cold-smoked fish to dishes like cooked pasta or scrambled eggs, it is important to cook it first.
“This is because simple warming it through while preparing a meal will not heat the fish to a high enough temperature to kill any listeria present.”
It adds that smoked fish products that have been heat-treated during production, such as tinned smoked fish, may be safely consumed without further cooking.
That’s because these tinned products are heated to a high temperature during production, which sufficiently kills any listeria that may be present.
Other foods that can be contaminated with listeria
Listeria tends to be more common in ready-to-eat foods with are intended to be eaten without further preparation – so don’t require any heating or cooking.
This can include:
- cold pre-cooked meats – such as chicken
- deli meats – such as salami and cold cuts
- cooked shellfish
- soft mould-ripened cheeses – such as camembert, brie, and blue-veined cheeses
- pâté
- unpasteurised milk, or products made from unpasteurised milk
- pre-prepared sandwiches and salads
- pre-cut fruits (for example, pre-packed melon slices)
How to reduce your risk of listeriosis
The FSA says it’s important to follow the steps below to your reduce your risk:
- keep foods cold until you are ready to eat them - make sure your fridge temperature is set at 5°C or below.
- refrigerate foods as soon as possible after purchase
- eat ready-to-eat foods within four hours of removing them from the fridge
- always eat, cook or freeze foods by their use-by date. Foods after their use-by date may look and smell fine, but they could be unsafe and make you ill. You cannot see, smell or taste bacteria that causes foodborne illness.
- always follow the storage instructions, including those for opened foods, provided on the label. If there are no instructions, use opened foods within two days.
- keep raw and ready-to-eat foods separate to avoid cross-contamination
- follow the cooking instructions on packaging when applicable, and cook or reheat foods (including frozen vegetables) until they are steaming hot right through
- wash your hands regularly with soap and water before, during and after meal preparation
Listeriosis symptoms
Listeriosis, caused by a bacteria called listeria, usually goes away on its own, but can make some people seriously ill.
In most people it doesn’t cause any symptoms or they may be mild and just last a few days.
Symptoms can include:
- a high temperature
- aches and pains
- chills
- feeling or being sick
- diarrhoea
If you’re pregnant, you may also have a stomach ache or notice your baby moving less than usual.
Babies with listeriosis may also be irritable and feed less than usual.
When it comes to treating listeriosis you can usually look after yourself at home by resting and drinking plenty of fluids.
If you’re at a higher risk of getting seriously ill, you may need antibiotics.
Ask for an urgent GP appointment or call 111 if:
- you’re pregnant and think you have listeriosis
- you have a condition that weakens your immune system (like cancer or kidney disease) and think you have listeriosis
- you’re having treatment that weakens your immune system (like chemotherapy or steroid tablets) and think you have listeriosis
- you think your baby might have listeriosis
But call 999 or go to A&E if you or your child:
- have a severe headache and stiff neck
- find it uncomfortable to look at bright lights
- have a fit (seizure)
- feel suddenly confused
- feel very sleepy or are difficult to wake
- have a rash that does not fade when a glass is rolled over it – the rash may be blotchy, like bruises or small red pinpricks
These could be symptoms of meningitis caused by listeriosis, which needs to be treated in hospital straight away.
Source: NHS