To be more useful, robots need to become lazier

The group also successfully taught the squad to execute “penetrating passes”—where a robot shoots toward an open region in the field and communicates to the best-positioned member of its team to receive it—and skills such as receiving or passing the ball within configurations such as triangles. Giving the robots access to world models built using data from the surrounding environment allows them to execute their skills anywhere on the pitch, instead of just in specific spots.

While soccer is a fun way to test how successful these robotics methods are, other researchers are also working on the problem of efficiency—and dealing with much higher stakes.

Making robots that work in warehouses better at prioritizing different data inputs is essential to ensuring that they can operate safely around humans and be relied upon to complete tasks, for example. If the machines can’t manage this, companies could end up with a delayed shipment, damaged goods, an injured human worker—or worse, says Chris Walti, the former head of Tesla’s robotics division. 

Walti left the company to set up his own firm after witnessing how challenging it was to get robots to simply move materials around. His startup, Mytra, designs fully autonomous machines that use computer vision and an AI reinforcement-learning system to give them awareness of other robots closest to them, and to help them reason and collaborate to complete tasks (like moving a broken pallet) in much more computationally efficient ways. 

The majority of mobile robots in warehouses today are controlled by a single central “brain” that dictates the paths they follow, meaning a robot has to wait for instructions before it can do anything. Not only is this approach difficult to scale, but it consumes a lot of central computing power and requires very dependable communication links.

Mytra believes it’s hit upon a significantly more efficient approach, which acknowledges that individual robots don’t really need to know what hundreds of other robots are doing on the other side of the warehouse. Its machine-learning system cuts down on this unnecessary data, and the computing power it would take to process it, by simulating the optimal route each robot can take through the warehouse to perform its task. This enables them to act much more autonomously. 

“In the context of soccer, being efficient allows you to score more goals. In the context of manufacturing, being efficient is even more important because it means a system operates more reliably,” he says. “By providing robots with the ability to to act and think autonomously and efficiently, you’re also optimizing the efficiency and the reliability of the broader operation.”

While simplifying the types of information that robots need to process is a major challenge, inroads are being made, says Daniel Polani, a professor from the University of Hertfordshire in the UK who specializes in replicating biological processes in artificial systems. He’s also a fan of the RoboCup challenge—in fact, he leads his university’s Bold Hearts robot soccer team, which made it to the second round of this year’s RoboCup’s humanoid league.