THERE’S nothing worse than sitting down for a cosy evening, to find a draught is coming through your patio door.
But one man has shared a nifty hack to stop that from happening – and it works on some windows too.

Demonstrating on his own door in a video on his TikTok page, Dan said: “I just learned some valuable information about these little screws.”
Turning the camera onto the screw, situated on the metal inside catch of the door, he explained: “See this little notch here?
“If you turn that so it faces the seal, it pulls the door tighter for the winter.”
It also works in the summer too, as you can turn it the other way to “loosen” it and let in a “bit more air” when it’s hot outside.
Read more Life Hack stories
“It’s amazing!” Dan concluded.
“So do this now to stop your house from getting drafty during the winter.
“There we are!”
“Important information to help keep draughts out in winter!” Dan captioned the video.
“This little screw can be turned to tighten your door seal in winter and loosened to let air flow in summer!”
And people quickly took to the comments to praise Dan for sharing the hack, with one writing: “I did my doors today after seeing this video.”
“How do you turn it?” another asked.
“I tried – won’t budge!”
“I used a my drill with a 5mm allen key end, just because it was a little stiff!” Dan replied.
“Just adjusted all my doors and windows and can’t thank you enough,” a third commented.
“Did this on all my windows and it works!” someone else wrote.
“I have one window up the back of my living room that always had a draft.
4 ways to keep your energy bills low
Laura Court-Jones, Small Business Editor at Bionic shared her tips.
1. Turn your heating down by one degree
You probably won’t even notice this tiny temperature difference, but what you will notice is a saving on your energy bills as a result. Just taking your thermostat down a notch is a quick way to start saving fast. This one small action only takes seconds to carry out and could potentially slash your heating bills by £171.70.
2. Switch appliances and lights off
It sounds simple, but fully turning off appliances and lights that are not in use can reduce your energy bills, especially in winter. Turning off lights and appliances when they are not in use, can save you up to £20 a year on your energy bills
3. Install a smart meter
Smart meters are a great way to keep control over your energy use, largely because they allow you to see where and when your gas and electricity is being used.
4. Consider switching energy supplier
No matter how happy you are with your current energy supplier, they may not be providing you with the best deals, especially if you’ve let a fixed-rate contract expire without arranging a new one. If you haven’t browsed any alternative tariffs lately, then you may not be aware that there are better options out there.
“Done this last year and it doesn’t now.”
“Thank you! This has solved my issue after an age of trying to figure out how to adjust my door,” another added.
“Learned something today ,thanks lol,” someone else wrote.
“Why did we not know this before? Thanks for sharing!” another gushed.
As someone else added: “You are a legend for showing me this.
“Works for windows too, but I assume you know this.”
However, others warned people not to adjust things if you aren’t sure about it.
“They are for adjustments,” one wrote.
“There’s other bits you can adjust as well but once you start you mess with the alignment of the doors, the locks and handles won’t catch or be tight.”
“Be warned, if you have never done this before your window might not open again!” another added.
“I did it to my door and the lock broke as it wouldn’t open after doing this.”
“It does nothing for draught,” a third commented.
“It’s a treaded bolt that moves nothing.”