THE sister of a boy kept alive on an artificial heart machine is pleading for a new organ for him.
Fifteen-month-old Ezra Crawford is the youngest person in Britain using the medical device.


And three-year-old sister Freya keeps begging doctors: “When can my baby brother come home?”
Mum Bianca, 30, said: “Freya misses him and just wants him to come home.”
The devoted siblings cuddled up at the Newcastle hospital on Christmas Day.
Ezra has been powered by a Berlin Heart since a virus caused his own to enlarge and fail in August last year.
Bianca and husband Will, 31, from Durham, are waiting for a transplant donor.
She said: “A new heart is the only chance of survival for him now.”
“There are risks of having a stroke whilst on the Berlin Heart machine, so each day is risky for him.
“We just have to hope that a new heart is found in time for him.”