A WOMAN has fumed that her boyfriend always moans about money but has spent thousands of pounds on a creepy sex doll, leaving her horrified.
The 24-year-old female explained that she and her partner enjoy using sex toys together, but his latest purchase has left her dumbfounded.


Keen to open up on the situation, the woman took to social media to reveal all, leaving many open-mouthed.
Posting on Reddit, on the r/relationship_advice thread, the woman wrote under the username @ooglymoogly00 and titled her post ‘My boyfriend bought a $3,000 sex doll’.
She then explained that although her relationship with her 29-year-old boyfriend has been ‘complicated’, their sex life is ‘really fulfilling’.
The anonymous woman shared: “So just for some context I’ve been on and off with this guy for almost a year now.
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“We have a complicated relationship but have recently decided to start seeing each other exclusively and seriously.”
But after things got serious, she highlighted: “I was thrilled about the opportunity until he revealed to me that he bought a sex doll.
“At first it didn’t seem like a big deal to me, we both own sex toys.
“I figured he bought something more akin to a large fleshlight/stroker.
“But when he excitedly sent me pictures of it, I was horrified.”
The woman confessed that the sex doll is scarily realistic and looks incredibly creepy, as she added: “It’s a $3,000 [£2,380] hyper realistic sex doll with the proportions of a real human woman.
“Not only does it look creepy but it kind of hurt my feelings to find out he felt the need to spend so much money to simulate sex when he could just have it with me.
“We have a really fulfilling sex life although we haven’t seen each other much lately because we were off for a period of time and he lives over an hour away.”
Which generation is having the most sex?
A new report has lifted the lid on bedroom antics.
The research, conducted by experts at Kinsey Institute at Indiana University, revealed the average number of times people of different generations have sex per month.
- Gen Z – three times a month
- Millennials – five times a month
- Gen X – five times a month
- Boomers – three times a month
Unsure on how to feel and what to do, she continued: “I did my best to explain the way I was feeling to him but I just don’t think I’m okay with something like this.
“Am I overreacting here? Is there a way to salvage this relationship?”
Not only does it look creepy but it kind of hurt my feelings to find out he felt the need to spend so much money to simulate sex when he could just have it with me
Reddit poster
The woman later wrote: “For clarification: no he does not make a s**t ton of money. In fact he has complained about his financial situation to me multiple times.
“Also, he is the one that approached ME about having an exclusive relationship.
What is a sex robot?
Robots already build our appliances, clean our homes and make our food – but now they’re about to change how we get jiggy.
Sex robots are essentially realistic dolls that have sophisticated movements and “areas” that closely mimic humans so that they can romp.
Prof Noel Sharkey, chairman of the Foundation for Responsible Robotics, said guilt-free threesomes was just one of the potential uses for sex robots.
Others include “teledildonics” – wireless technology which allows a person to stimulate their partner remotely and already exists in vibrators on the market.
Sex bots will become hyper-realistic with features such as built-in heaters to create the feeling of body warmth.
They will also have sensors to react to your touch.
One company is even developing a head that can speak, smile and sing for its robot sex dolls.
Sex doll Harmony claims to be the first to offer an “emotional connection”.
Experts say these specialised robots will start to appear in ordinary homes in the next decade.
“He told me he loved me and wanted to pursue something serious.
“I promise y’all I did not force this man into anything lol, I was perfectly happy with our arrangement before.
“But I was definitely developing stronger feelings (before I found out about the doll).”
Reddit users react
Reddit users were left gobsmacked by the woman’s confession and many flocked to the comments to share their thoughts and advice on the situation.
One person said: “I think you should reconsider how great he thinks your sex life is.
That would give me so much ick, I’d have to break up with him
Reddit user
“He bought a $3k hyper realistic sex doll to have sex with. He does not think your sex life is great.”
Another added: “It sounds like he has a fetish he is very dedicated to.
“That is a large financial commitment to that fetish and if you are not ok with that fetish being an ongoing part of his sex life you should probably end things now.”
A third commented: “That would give me so much ick, I’d have to break up with him.”
Whilst someone else wrote: “Oh, yuck. Run. Run fast away.”