Mum, 43, who ‘died’ reveals heaven is ‘incredible’ – after being ‘reunited with loved ones even her dogs’

A MUM claims to have crossed the gates of heaven after she slipped into a coma following a horrifying near-death experience.

Amber Cavanagh loved her moment on the “other side” so much that she no longer fears death.


Amber Cavanagh nearly died after a double strokeCredit: Jam Press/Angela Eaves
The mum believes she went to heaven and came back


The mum believes she went to heaven and came backCredit: Jam Press Vid/West Coast Medium
She was given the option to say in heaven or come home to her family


She was given the option to say in heaven or come home to her familyCredit: Jam Press/West Coast Medium

“I looked like the best version of myself and had everyone I had ever loved that was no longer with us around me – including my childhood dogs,” she said.

The 43-year-old was watching a film with her family when she suddenly developed an “excruciating” migraine.

She had taken herself to bed before she woke up a few hours later completely paralysed and blind in one eye.

Terrified, she banged on the wall to alert her husband, Michael, 41, who immediately called for an ambulance, rushing her to hospital.

At first, she thought the whole ordeal in December 2021 was a “dream”.

But as she arrived at the hospital, reality set in.

The mum-of-two, who was semi-conscious, was suffering from a double stroke and intense brain bleed.

A stroke is a very serious condition where the blood supply to part of your brain is cut off.

To stop the bleeding, she was given a blood-clotting drug with a 50 per cent survival rate due to its intense effects on the body.

Sadly, this didn’t work and she was life-flighted to another hospital nearby for emergency brain surgery.

Woman, 34, ‘mangled in car crash’ shares near-death experience – and why we shouldn’t be scared of heaven

But throughout all of this, her family assumed she couldn’t hear them – but she could, leaving Amber “petrified”.

She said: “It was horrific.

“It was looking more than likely that I was going to die.

“I heard the nurses tell my kids: ‘Say everything you want now to your mum, as you probably won’t see her again.’

“I was literally scared to death, and I was non-verbal, everyone thought I was just mumbling in a state of unconsciousness.

“When really, I was trying to talk to them to find out what was going on.

What is a near death experience?

A near death experience (NDE) is classified as a life-transforming experience that can occur under extreme conditions in which no sensory experiences should be possible, medics at the University of Virginia state.

These conditions could include trauma, ceasing of brain activity, deep general anaesthesia or cardiac arrest, they said.

These experiences can differ from one person to another and in many cases, the experts said patients having an NDE will feel very comfortable and free of pain.

You might also experience a sensation of leaving the body, with some being able to see their physical body while floating above it.

Others may experience their mind functioning more clearly and rapidly than usual

“I heard everyone saying their goodbyes and crying, not knowing I was still in there.

“It’s still, to this day, one of the most terrifying things I have ever experienced.”

To stop the bleeding on her brain, the mum was given a blood-clotting drug with a 50 per cent survival rate


To stop the bleeding on her brain, the mum was given a blood-clotting drug with a 50 per cent survival rateCredit: Jam Press/West Coast Medium
Amber had to relearn how to walk, eat and talk


Amber had to relearn how to walk, eat and talkCredit: Jam Press/West Coast Medium
the 43-year-old is urging others not be afraid of death


the 43-year-old is urging others not be afraid of deathCredit: Jam Press/West Coast Medium

‘I could really feel the grass beneath my feet’

While in the helicopter, she recalls taking one last glimpse at the sun before shutting her eyes.

When opening them again, she was in another dimension.

Amber said: “I could see my physical body beneath me, but I could also see my kids being driven by their grandparents to the hospital.

“I could see my husband weeping over my body.

“There was no going toward the light, or people calling me – I was just watching over everything and everyone.

“It sounds bad, but I wasn’t scared for my family, as I knew everything was going to be OK.

“There was no who, what, why, when or where to answer anymore, I just knew everything.

“Around me was an incredible garden, where I could really feel the grass beneath my feet.

“Then, I saw all my loved ones to the right, every version of me; past, present and future to the left and my guides stood right in front of me.

“I spoke telepathically to everyone, including my nan and grandma.

“Even my dogs from childhood surrounded me. I could touch them, but I didn’t as that wasn’t why I was there.

“But there was such a deep-rooted feeling of pure comfort.

“Knowing I had to leave this place that had an overwhelming glow of loving light was so difficult.”


A WOMAN claims to have gone to heaven and met God as she slipped in a coma following a horrifying near-death experience.

Mariandree Cárdenas was working from home one day when she felt her throat start to close up and began choking.

Her hands began twitching and she felt like her face was “falling asleep”.

Mariandree realised she could no longer speak.

She managed to text her mother and brother for help, who rushed over and found her unconscious.

The 24-year-old – who was diagnosed with severe asthma as a child – was taken to hospital, where doctors were forced to intubate her and later place her in a coma.

As her body lay unconscious in her hospital bed, Mariandree claimed her mind was far from quiet.

“I couldn’t hear almost anything anymore and my body no longer responded,” Mariandree, a graphic designer, told What’s The Jam.

“The last thing I heard was a nurse or doctor say the phrase ‘she left us’.

“And in the blink of an eye I stopped being on Earth and appeared somewhere else.”

Amber says her guides told her about the two outcomes.

If she stayed, her family would suffer and they would have to overcome the intense grief of losing her so soon.

But if she returned to her physical body, she would face a gruelling recovery journey – and would regret the decision.

However, she knew her time wasn’t up yet.

Amber closed her eyes and suddenly, she was back in her own body again.

For the next two weeks, she remained in hospital, but medics were adamant she would need to be in care for the rest of her life.

Relearning how to live

Miraculously, the mum was talking and moving within hours.

She said: “They still don’t understand it.

“My doctor says I’m his ‘miraculous patient’ as I didn’t even need the surgery as they planned.

“Yes, there was a lot of damage to my body and brain, but I was alive – and that was the main thing.”

Over the course of 10 weeks, she had to relearn all her basic functions, including how to walk, talk and eat.

Now, while she’s still numb in the right side of her body, life has gone back to somewhat normal again.

However, her experience has taught her a valuable lesson and it’s changed her outlook on life.

Not afraid of dying

Amber hopes her story will help people feel less afraid of dying and help us realise that we’re never truly alone.

“On the other side, there’s a squad of loved ones cheering us on every day,” she said.

Since the experience, Amber and her family re “much closer” and don’t take life “as seriously.”

She said: “It’s made me appreciate the beauty of life and has given me a new perspective.

“I am human, so I’m fearful I will have another stroke again, but I’m not afraid of dying anymore.

“I do worry I’ll leave my kids too soon, as they’ve been through enough and I want to see them grow up.

“But it’s something I’ll never regret going through, it’s given me a chance to grieve the old me and welcome this new chapter.

“I’ve found that life is school, but that place is home – I’ve been given the gift of seeing my life from a completely different view point.

“Sometimes, when I’m having a tough day, I’ll close my eyes and remember feeling the grass under my feet.

“I question then if I made the right decision, but I know I was given the choice to spread the message that we’re all here for a reason.”