A WOMAN who is in her 40s but is constantly told she looks 20 has revealed the £4 secret to her youthful glow.
Maggie Rose, 41, has no wrinkles or fines lines and claims that she doesn’t get Botox or fillers.

Instead, Maggie opts for a more natural approach, and took to TikTok to share her top tips for ageing backwards.
Replying to a comment from a TikTok user that told Maggie she looks 20, she said: “I’ll be 42 next month, these are my tips for great skin.”
Maggie said that her first tip is to support the skin “from the inside out.”
She revealed that she takes a product called Chloline, which helps your body to generate its own collagen.
Read more anti-ageing stories
Collagen helps to make your skin supple and elasticated, and production of it slows as you get older.
You can pick up Choline powder for just £1.49 from Amazon, and can mix it in with your morning smoothie or protein powder.
Maggie added that she also takes lots of anti-oxidants, in the form of both supplements and foods, as these can help to prevent and reverse age related changes.
Another of Maggie’s recommendations is to make sure that you wash your face with filtered water.
She said: “There is so much crap and chlorine in our water.
“A lot of people’s dryness and skin issues could be helped with that alone.”
Finally, Maggie said that she applies Castor Oil, Rose Hip Oil and Bakuchiol daily, all of which can be purchased online for as little as £4.
“Pretty much everything that goes on my face is natural,” she said.
Maggie’s (@maggieroseadvocate) video has likely left many people impressed, as it has racked up over 246,000 views on the video sharing platform.
TikTok users raced to the video’s comments section to share their thoughts.
Tips to age well
There are a number of habits you can take up to care for your health and wellbeing as you age.
Age UK shared the following tips:
- Do things that you enjoy everyday – whether that’s cooking, seeing friends or enjoying a good book
- Stay hydrated – drink six to eight cups of water a day
- Eat plenty of fruit and veggies to lower your risk of heart disease and certain cancers, have beans, pulses, fish, eggs and meat to repair your body after injury, starchy carbs for energy dairy to help keep bones strong
- Manage long-term health conditions to prevent them progressing or having a greater impact on your health
- Quit smoking and reduce alcohol intake to no more than 14 units a week
- Make mental health a priority and get treatment for it, as it can also impact physical health
- Make sure you’re getting quality sleep
- Keep socialising – and call a friend or loved one if you can’t make it out the house
- Be physically active to lower the risk of depression and dementia, heart disease, stroke, Parkinson’s and some cancers
One person said: “I’m 50 and people often think I’m in my late 20s or early 30s.
“I use castor oil.”
Another person said: “Choline is also found in peanut butter and lettuce!”
A third person said: “Thank you for this list.
“I’m 46 and in the last few years I feel I’ve aged in looks about 10 years.
“I will look up Choline.”