I told my sister that the names she picked for her twin boys were bad – she said I’m jealous she’s able to have babies

A BATTLE brewed between two sisters over one’s baby’s name selections.

The family feud included some choice words that weren’t about to be forgiven or forgotten.

Two sisters got into a heated fight over her twin baby's monikers, and that was just the beginning of the drama (stock image)


Two sisters got into a heated fight over her twin baby’s monikers, and that was just the beginning of the drama (stock image)Credit: Getty


Redditor Drunk_shrum was left bewildered after learning of her sister’s chosen baby names.

She blamed it on her sister’s fascination with Japanese animation.

“My sister has always been into anime, especially My Hero, for as long as I can remember,” she said.

“We used to bond over the love for anime but recently it started to get annoying because that’s all she would talk about,” she added.

Her sister, who has been dating her boyfriend for two years, recently discovered she was expecting twins at her gender reveal party.

The party took a bit of a less festive turn, however, when she shared the names she had picked out for the bundles of joy.

It seemed no one was prepared for the unusual monikers which led to the mayhem – Deku and Bakugo.

“I was surprised at first and when the party was over I pulled my sister to the side and asked her if she was really going to name her twin boys Deku and Bakugo,” she said.

“I told her that these boys will have to live their whole lives with these names until they can legally change them,” she added.

She had a few reasons for being in disbelief, including the fact that she believed that deku “means trash or something,” in Japanese.

I’ve got 5 names – my third is after a dog, but another has people howling


After being brushed off at first, she confronted her sister once again a few weeks later.

“She got annoyed and yelled at me to mind my own business and that I’m jealous of her because she was able to have a baby,” she said.

She shared how she is a lesbian woman who is “happily married” to her “amazing” wife.

While her family also included two fur babies, including a black cat and a German Shepherd, they didn’t have any children.

“Yes, I am infertile, but it was never a problem for us because me and my wife never planned on having kids in the first place,” she said.

Aside from the dig, she also had to deal with her sister’s boyfriend, who continued to spam her phone, telling her that she was being an a**hole for giving his girlfriend grief about the baby names.

She reminded him that she was only thinking about their future.

“I explained to him that those kids will get bullied in middle school and high school for those names,” she said.

“He has to remember those kids are going to be grown a** adults with lives of their own and not some pet or toy. Those names are going to impact their daily lives for 18 years,” she continued.

Still, nothing seemed to be penetrating.

She was worried that her sister's twins would get bullied in school over the names she had chosen (stock image)


She was worried that her sister’s twins would get bullied in school over the names she had chosen (stock image)Credit: Getty

He continued to call her “horrible” names and slurs.

He said his girlfriend was free to name her babies anything she pleased because they were her children.

She couldn’t even bring herself to respond, but she was the one being blamed.

“My parents are now telling me to apologize to my sister because they don’t want the family to fall apart, but I don’t think I was in the wrong,” she said.

If anything, she thought she was the one who “deserved an apology,” for how she was spoken to.


Most Redditors thought she was also being mistreated.

“They weren’t the ones growing up with weird names. Trust me, the children will suffer in school, in their friend circles, everywhere,” said one user.

“Send your mom darling Jake’s texts and back off. You tried, there is nothing you can do,” said another

“The family is going to fall apart because these two won’t be able to handle twins no matter what they’re named,” they added.

“For the kids’ sake, I hope there’s some resolution – having an aunt that is sympathetic if they get bullied would be great I’m sure – but you tried and ultimately it’s not your problem to fix,” said another.

“Expect to be raising your nephew your sister seems like the type to have a mental breakdown as a parent. Dumb and mean isn’t a working combination in life,” a user chimed in.