POLICE trying to identify a woman’s body found in a river revealed that a crop top she was wearing might help tell them who she was.
A woman’s dead body was found in the River Mersey in south Manchester, at around 11.10am on March 21.



There was a huge emergency response at the scene and she was later pulled from the water.
Despite extensive enquiries, including specialist examinations, DNA testing, and reviews of missing person records, authorities were unable to identify the woman.
However, since then images of a a lime green Primark crop-top, believed to be the same one she was wearing have been released.
The woman was also wearing New Look JENNA size 8 jeans and non-slip style socks.
Detective Inspector Louise Edwards, from GMP’s Major Investigations Team, previously said: “We remain absolutely committed to discovering the identity of this woman, and we know that someone out there will know who she is.
“We are using every resource available to us as the investigation continues, including assistance from specialist advisers and forensic experts.
“We are determined to reunite this woman with her family and friends and establish the cause of her death.”