ANGELA Rayner has been accused of hypocrisy after plans emerged of cutting back on the council home Right to Buy scheme which she benefited.
Her Whitehall department is now consulting on plans to extend the eligibility criteria from three years’ tenancy up to a decade.
The deputy PM brought her property with a 25 per cent discount off the £79,000 asking price before selling it for a £48,500 profit eight years later.
But she says she is reducing “unfair” discounts brought in by the Tories in 2012 as she oversees a “council house revolution”.
Shadow Housing Secretary Kevin Hollinrake said: “The Right to Buy has helped millions into home ownership.
“Labour are now pulling up the drawbridge on home ownership, making their party the enemy of aspiration and social mobility.
Read more on Angela Rayner
“It is the height if hypocrisy for Angela Rayner to sabotage the policy that helped her move on to and up the housing ladder.”
Her living arrangements prompted a police investigation but it later found that no offences had taken place.
It had been claimed that she was living with her husband in his Right to Buy home.