NOISY protesters marched through shocked holidaymakers sunbathing on a busy beach yesterday in the latest in a series of anti-tourism rallies.
Flag-waving local residents beat drums and blew whistles as they wandered along the shoreline in Playa de las Americas in Tenerife.

One carried a poster which read: “Tourists, go f***ing” home.”
Another poster stated: “The Canaries have a limit. More trees, less hotels.”
The 2,000-strong group had diverted from a planned march route after gathering in a nearby shopping centre.
The protest was among six coordinated to begin at midday, each on a different Canary island.
Another was at Maspalomas — a popular resort with Brits on Gran Canaria.
Several thousand people there demonstrated over problems campaigners blame on mass tourism, such as a lack of affordable housing and environmental damage.
Some walked behind a banner which read: “We’re foreigners in our own land.”
One man was arrested after marchers shouted at police.
Further protests were held in Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, La Palma and El Hierro.