EVER dreamed of owning a racing horse? – This hilarious generator will reveal the perfect name for your thoroughbred.
If you hope to join the likes of Dame Judi Dench, Sir Alex Ferguson, and Liz Hurley in someday having your very own winning horse, the chances are you’ll need to come up with a suitably madcap name for it.
Unfortunately, this tool can’t help you pay for such an animal or figure out where you’ll keep it – but it guarantees to give your would-be horse an impressive name.
Lottoland is behind the generator after a poll of 2,000 adults who bet on horses also commissioned by the company found 55 per cent are more impulsive than tactical when deciding which animal to back.
Nearly half (46 per cent) tend to put their money on gee-gees with monikers they find amusing, while 28 per cent bet on those with titles related to luck or money.
However only 11 per cent would describe their instincts for picking out winning horses as ‘good’.
The jockey’s odds, past successes and recent form are other, more tactical, considerations people make when placing their bets.
A spokesperson for Lottoland.co.uk, which commissioned the research to celebrate the launch of its horseracing sportsbook, said: “Racing horse names are completely bonkers, but even so, we look to them more than any other factor when it comes to betting on the races.
“The most memorable names tend to be those who spectators end up placing their bets on – who can forget ‘MayTheHorseBeWithYou’, or every track announcer’s favourite, ‘ARRRR’, from years gone by.”
The research also found 69 per cent consider betting on horses as a bit of fun and they don’t mind if they win or lose.
Most read in Horse Racing
As a result, 53 per cent go in blind without researching information about the horses, jockeys or trainers before a big event.
And the same percentage are unlikely to keep up with any horseraces in the next 12 months.
Although 16 per cent claim to become somewhat of a racing expert during big racing events.
The study, carried out via OnePoll, found 62 per cent have been in person to the races – with 54 per cent of those more likely to make impulsive bets there than they would when watching it on TV.
The Grand National, Royal Ascot and Cheltenham Festival are the events people are most likely to put money on a horse for – placing an average of four bets.
Top 10 things considered when placing a bet at the races

1. Horse’s name – 50 per cent
2. Odds – 45 per cent
3. Past successes of the horse – 35 per cent
4. Recent form – 34 per cent
5. Gut instinct – 32 per cent
6. Past successes of the jockey – 24 per cent
7. Who the trainer is – 23 per cent
8. Tips from friends – 18 per cent
9. Weather conditions – 16 per cent
10. Tips from racing supplements, blogs etc. – 15 per cent